About TatieB

My name is Tatiana Beatriz, but most friends call me Tatie B.

I moved to Oregon from Ecuador in 2012 for what I thought would be one year of adventure. But here I am, after more than 10 years, still happily holding my camera, living, and working in beautiful Oregon.

My passion for photography started when I was a child, I found myself expressing my feelings from behind my camera, in my photographs. I have always loved photography because it’s like jumping straight into a moment from another world.

I am a friendly and easy going type of  person. I appreciate the simple things in life, such as riding my bicycle, taking care of my indoor garden, drinking coffee (in the morning with my plants), meeting new friends, and reading and rereading “Cien Años de Soledad” in front of my fireplace (before bed).

About Photography

A  photograph has the power to capture the perfect moment that makes the photo speak the language of feelings. 

My photography Style

The exciting thing about working with light is there are no rules, and I love to experiment when I’m shooting sessions. Using natural light and remote operated flashes my photos have a natural look that capture the beauty and details of your laugh, your smile, or the way you and your loved ones look at each other. Your only job during the photo session is to relax, be yourself, and leave it to me to capture the defining moments that make you unique. 


My Photographic HistoryMy History

My life has been filled with beauty and art. Growing up in the coastal city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, I was surrounded by the soft, glowing colors of the sea, land, and these colors found its way onto the streets of my hometown.

My father worked as an welder, but his heart was that of an artist. Later, as a little girl, I would watch him leaning over his anvil as he created beautiful pieces, crucifixes, and other metal artifacts; he used his welder as a painter would a paint brush.

Our family was raised with love and respect for independence. My mother was both a housewife and a businesswoman. From both parents we learned the value of hard work and perseverance. We never discussed relationships, we lived them. “I love you,” were words to us, our actions were our love. I was blessed to be raised by them. My brothers and I were totally different, and our parents released us to become ourselves – and follow our own path. As adults we now have a lot of things in common and have forged even stronger family bonds – and I am happy to said as friends as well.

I am a lot like my father. Words are a more difficult form of expression; Art is my love language, and photography is my art. To me it is as expressive as a sigh, and as delicate as a butterfly on the breeze. Capturing that solemn moment when a father gives his daughter away at a wedding, or the eyes of the couple when they meet at the altar.

When I capture that perfect moment in my lens, I am filled with joy and love. It is a moment that validates my independence as a photographer. My mind goes back to my father saying, “I am so proud of you, going out on your own. You are the strongest woman everywhere.” 

It is my pleasure and honor to bring my heart with me when I photograph you, your family, your loved ones and friends. I will work hard and persevere in capturing your unique love language through my lens.

– Tatiana