Your Boudoir photos should capture both your inner and outer beauty..

“Whether you are looking for a boudoir collection for yourself or special someone, you will feel comfortable with Tatiana as she works with you in the creation of your beautiful boudoir collection. Enjoy intimate self-discovery and appreciation through the process.”

Tatie B Photography

Boudoir Photography Sessions

You are unique! You do not have to fit in any preconceived box that society wants. Enjoy photographs that display both your inner and outer beauty because they capture the you that you love. Shy? Flamboyant? Conservative? Wild and Free? Show the side(s) of your personality you wish to share with the world, or just as a keepsake for you or your favorite friend or family member.

Fall in love with yourself! Show me your confidence and I’ll capture your beauty.

Creating photographs to show all the different sides of you!

About me

Our family was raised with love and respect for independence. My father was an welder and an artist. My mother was both a housewife and a businesswoman. From both parents we learned the value of hard work and perseverance. We never discussed relationships, we lived them. I love you were only words to us; our actions were our love. I was blessed to be raised by them. My brothers and I were totally different, and our parents released us to become ourselves – and follow our own path.

I am a lot like my father. Words are a more difficult form of expression; Art is my love language, and photography is my art. To me it is as expressive as a sigh, and as delicate as a butterfly on the breeze. Capturing that solemn moment when a father gives his daughter away at a wedding, or the eyes of the couple when they meet at the altar.

Capture Every Moment…

When I capture that perfect moment in my lens, I am filled with joy and love. It is a moment that validates my independence and freedom as a photographer.

It is my pleasure and honor to bring my heart with me when I photograph you, your family, your loved ones and friends. I will work hard and persevere in capturing your unique love language through my lens.

– Tatiana

“The right photographs capture beauty of a family, and serve as a stairway to the future and a window into the past. What memory is not enhanced by a fun-filled session in a place the family enjoys. I strive to make our family photography sessions an event to itself. My goal is to hear the children ask for another visit with Tatie B because they had so much fun!”

Tatie B Photography